Fundraising Campaign
Walk With Us To Bring Clean Water to the Poor

Every day, women and children, especially girls, spend 200 million hours walking to collect water for their families. Six kilometers, a little less than 4 miles, is the average round trip distance women and children in the developing world walk, barefoot or in sandals, for water — water that is often contaminated with life-threatening diseases. More than 3 million children and nearly 14 million women walk more than 30 minutes to collect water. And they often make that trip more than once a day!
Because of this, many children don’t get to attend school and many women can’t earn incomes to provide for their families. Since its founding by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia in 2006, Change for Global Change has been raising awareness about sustainability and care for Earth, and has funded grants for 83 sustainable water-related projects in 15 countries around the world where Sisters of Saint Joseph serve the poor.
These projects have helped thousands of our brothers and sisters gain access to clean water near their homes, not only improving their health but also improving their environment, quality of life, education, gender equality, safety, and restoring their dignity.
Once again this year, we invite you to walk in solidarity with those who must walk 4 miles every day to fetch water. Last year, through your hard work and generosity, we raised $7,235 that was used to fund grants for clean water projects through C4GC. This year, we hope to surpass that amount and raise over $8,000! Please join us by participating either as a walker/ fundraiser or as a donor in our second annual “Walk a Mile in Their Shoes” virtual walkathon!
Walk with Us!
Between October 4th (Feast of St Francis) and Oct 24th (International Day of Climate Action), participant fundraisers will pledge to walk 4 miles in solidarity with those who walk 4 miles or more every day to fetch their water. Each walker will decide where and how to do their walk: some may walk 4 miles in one day, others may walk 4 miles every day for a week, still others may walk 40 miles spread out between Oct 4th and 24th . How far you walk, where you walk, and
who you walk with is entirely up to you, as long as you walk a minimum of 4 miles and ask as many of your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers as possible to donate to Change for Global Change in support of your walk.
Be a Donor – Small Change Makes a Big Impact!
Even small donations have a big impact at Change for Global Change! Your donation is 100% tax deductible and, as a 100% volunteer organization, approximately 99.9% of your donation goes directly to funding sustainable water projects. To donate, visit the “Walk a Mile in Their Shoes” campaign page.

Love Earth Boldly! Live Laudato Si!
Check out our 2023 -2024 Campaign Brochure. You’ll find great ideas about how you can #LoveEarthBoldly and #LiveLaudatoSi with simple changes to your lifestyle. It also describes the global impact your donations have made over the past 17 years.
As climate change progresses, the need for sustainable solutions to water scarcity is more urgent than ever. Help us offer empowering opportunities to people most impacted by climate change so that they can improve their environment and their lives.
Changes in your thinking and daily activities, along with the change you donate will have a BIG impact.
Donate Online
Donate Directly
Or send a check in any amount to:
Change for Global Change
9701 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118-2694
Grant Awards
The campaign cycle is now year-round and, as always, grants will be awarded annually. Through their affiliation with the CSSJ U.S. Federation, Sisters of Saint Joseph along with Associates and Partners in Mission from around the world submit grant proposals for local sustainability projects.
The map below offers an overview of the funding and project locations. Many countries have had multiple projects in progress in the same year in different areas.

How Your Generosity Changes Lives
At Change for Global Change we rely on our network of Sisters of Saint Joseph in the U.S. Federation to help us spread the potential for a better life for our “dear neighbors” here and abroad. Our sister congregations and provinces have been both donors and recipients of the funds that are the sole support of our mission. With the exception of office expenses, all monies collected are used for grants.
We are so grateful for the loving and generous support of our CSSJ global community that is an indispensable part of the Change for Global Change Mission.
Despite the many hardships of the past few years – physical, emotional, and financial – so many people were mindful of those who had even harder times. The members of our Board were deeply touched by your donations that made it possible for us to continue to award grants every year. Follow us on Facebook where you can get acquainted with our recipients and their stories.
Check out our 2023 -2024 Campaign Brochure. You’ll find great ideas about how you can #LoveEarthBoldly and #LiveLaudatoSi with simple changes to your lifestyle. It also describes the global impact your donations have made over the past 17 years.
As climate change progresses, the need for sustainable solutions to water scarcity is more urgent than ever. Help us offer empowering opportunities to people most impacted by climate change so that they can improve their environment and their lives.
Changes in your thinking and daily activities, along with the change you donate will have a BIG impact.